After an Attempt
After a suicide attempt, you may feel many emotions including anger, shame, embarrassment or exhaustion. During the immediate crisis, you may have been hospitalized and felt overwhelmed. You may also be processing your experience and wondered why you attempted to end your life. With the right support, you can receive treatment and recover to live a meaningful life. While you are not alone, you may feel this way. There is help--and hope.
Resources for Attempt Survivors
Create a safety plan with your health care team. While hospitalized, in an outpatient program, or with a mental health provider, you may have already created a safety plan after you are feeling more stable. A safety plan is a therapeutic tool to keep you safe when you are feeling distressed.
Join a support group. You do not have to "go it alone" in your recovery; in fact, being part of a support group allows you to walk this journey with others. In Marin County, the Felton Institute provides an eight-week peer support program for anyone 18 years or older who has made a suicide attempt. To learn more about SOSA, please download our flyer and fill out our online participant interest form.
Join a community of survivors. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, With Help Comes Hope, or Live Through This.
Practice radical self care. The time for self compassion and healing is very helpful during our darkest times and struggles. Your life matters. Internalizing this belief or mantra is a form of self compassion. Other ways to practice self compassion include taking a walk in nature, listening to music, petting an animal, or meditation.
Obtain resources to learn more about your recovery. Resources such as After an Attempt: A Guide for Taking Care of Yourself after Your Treatment in the Emergency Department or A Journey Toward Health and Hope: Your Handbook for Recovery After a Suicide Attempt can guide your recovery. Family members supporting their loved ones may refer to A Guide for Taking Care of Your Family Member After Treatment in the Emergency Department.
Connect with the PEI Team to help direct you to local services and resources. If you would like to learn more about additional support or recovery services, please contact us.